August 1st begins the no bait season so be sure to remove baits and scents from the boat before heading out to troll.
Fishing has been improving over the past week as water temperatures cool with the onset of cooler evenings and warm days. As of today, the water temperature is at 65°F, and fish activity is on the rise. The best fishing has been from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM, particularly when there is a high midge hatch, which seems to make fish more active in their feeding.
You’ll still need to be mobile to find the best spots, as they change daily. The most productive fishing remains in depths of 10-20 feet. We’ve had success with fish running 5-15 feet deep or using 1 to 2 lead core colors.
Top Spots
McGee Bay
North Arm
Sandy Point to the Willows
Alligator Point
In front of the harbor down to Beaver Cove
Don’t overlook Chalk Bluffs
Best Lures:
Tasmanian Devils: Bleeding Frog, Bloody Ripper, Orange Perch, Pink Frog (all sizes are effective). Trolling speed: 2.5-4 mph.
Needle Fish and Thomas Buoyants: Black Dot Frog, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Blue and Silver, Black and Silver, and Perch pattern (all sizes are working). Trolling speed: 2-2.5 mph.
Rapalas: Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, and Black and Silver Countdown. Trolling speed: 3-5 mph, with a ripping action proving most effective.
With smaller crowds and less fishing pressure, we’re anticipating a strong end to the season, especially with increased fish stocking efforts.
Tight lines and see you on the lake!
Crowley Lake Trolling Fans